It’s Not Just Hot: It’s Dangerous

As the planet’s climate changes, California is seeing hotter and longer heat waves each year. While we’re all used to warm summer months, we should expect to see multiple record-high days and record temperatures continue in the future.

Since heat is deadlier than any other weather hazard, the state of California wants you to be prepared for extreme heat events and provide resources to help you stay safe.

What is an Extreme Heat Event?

Extreme heat is two or more days and nights of unusually high heat for your region.

We all deserve to be protected, but not everyone can adapt equally, particularly those in our most vulnerable communities. If we start planning now, we can help prevent extreme heat waves from turning into emergencies for ourselves, such as older adults and young children.

So, what should you do?

  1. Stay Cool
    Avoid being outside in the direct heat for a long time. Visit air-conditioned spaces such as your local library, shopping mall, or community center. If staying home, set your A/C between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit, keep blinds closed, and wear loose, light-colored, lightweight clothing.
  2. Stay Hydrated
    Sip water all day and consider supplementing with sports drinks. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as they dehydrate you.
  3. Look After Each Other
    Check-in on friends and family and have them do the same for you.


California’s state agencies and departments have gathered additional resources and information to help you stay safe, cool, and connected.

Stay Informed

Stay Cool and Save Money

Stay Safer in Extreme Heat

Emergency Resources
