Since 2009, the Children in the Fields Campaign has hosted its art and essay contest annually to provide a safe platform to showcase farmworker children’s heartwarming and compelling stories on the national stage, and to empower them as they find the power in their voices.
Every year, CIFC receives thousands of entries for farmworker children around the United States. Their stories are very emotional, and must be seen and heard by everyone, especially lawmakers. It is our hope that the stories received through the contest, can help us change the narrative, and find the needed change to protect farmworker children in our Country.
Theme: The Children Behind the Food We Eat
Tema: L@sNiñ@s Detrás de la Comida que Comemos
- Open to all migrant or seasonal farmworker children in the United States of America
- The farmworker child must be between the ages of 10 to 18 years old
- Entries must clearly express this year’s theme
- Entries must be submitted by: July 15, 2023
- Entries must be original and solely the work of the student.
- Essay Size: must be submitted in 8.5 x 11-inch paper (also known as letter size paper or photocopier paper)
- Art Size: must be submitted in 8.5 x 11-inch paper (no canvas, cardboard, etc.)
- Art can be done using pencil, colored pencils, any type of paint, crayons, chalk, etc. (no stitches, no embroidery, etc.)
- Art descriptions and Essays can be submitted in English or Spanish
- Must submit the Application Form, Media Release, and one Photo
- Incomplete submission disqualifies entry
Download the Application | English |
Descargue la Aplicación Español |